NORD ELRECYCLING AD holds a Permit OOP-NUBA – 07-03/23.01.2018, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Waters, for authorization to operate as an organization for the recovery of waste batteries and accumulators, in accordance with the Waste Management Act and the Regulation on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators.
On 15 November 2022. NORD ELRECYCLING SA received Permit No. OOP-NUBA – 07-04 on 15.11.2022, approving the program submitted by the company in compliance with the requirements of the Waste Management Act and the Regulation on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators.
On the same date, NORD ELRECKLING PLC received Permit No. OOP-NUBA – 07 -05/ 15.11.2022 , which extends the Organization’s existing permit until 31.07.2027.